Thursday, 11 April 2013


Welcome to Edge Ledge, the shelf where I intend to place some of my thoughts about life and my integration or viewing from the sideline with various aspects of it.

Edge Definition:
The outside limit of an object, area, or surface; a place or part farthest away from the centre of something: 
"a tree at the water's edge".

Provide with a border or edge: "the pool is edged with paving".

noun. border - brim - verge - brink - margin - lip - fringe
verb. sharpen - whet - grind - hem - border

(google web definitions)
Ledge Definition:
  1. A narrow horizontal surface projecting from a wall, cliff, or other surface.
  2. An underwater ridge.

(google web definitions)

Do you ever feel on the edge of things?

If so you'll feel at home here, well that's just the point - you won't, most likely you'll feel like an outsider looking in, on the edge, not really part of the action.
But that's fine.
I reside on the edge of almost every part of my life. And there is much to explore, learn, grow, do and be on the edge of things, so I am learning to be happy and with an accepted purpose on the edges and here on the edge ledge.
You are welcome to be here too.


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