Monday, 29 April 2013

Creative Edge: A Photo a Day for the month of May

Creative Edge: How about I take up the challenge of

'A Photo a Day for the Month of May'

As it will be my first attempt I'm keeping it simple - the May list I'll be following is here

I'm certainly on the edge when it comes to photography, no idea beyond point and press! But its an adventure I'm after not perfection. For those who do want to improve their photography skills take a look at this blog post then join me in the challenge.

Where is this all going?

Look outside as far as you can see. See it - the horizon. It's an edge!

Though of course a horizon as such doesn't really exist, when you get there its moved on with a new place to reach. Today I was looking for a horizon and this one caught my eye - not a typical horizon but lots of images within the image to consider.
For ages Edge Ledge was on the horizon, something I aimed to put out there to encourage others with, but now I've done that my horizon has moved, there are new ideas floating round my head!
As I haven't chosen a particular topic to blog about I can use this space for anything, I just need to push ahead to the next horizon - it looks very inviting with lots of fun happening - if only I can muster the creativity and confidence to get past that blue fence barrier. And dump the rubbish negativity in the bin on the way rather than taking it with me!
When I was young I climbed onto a concrete structure but then felt I couldn't get down. I asked my aunt to help me and her reply was something like, "if you put that wooden chest next to the ledge you're on before you climb up again, you'll have something to get down via." Seeing she was giving me the clue I clambered down, moved the wooden chest and climbed back up. My aunt says the funniest thing was I didn't even realise the process of clambering down and climbing up again, but that I was very pleased with myself when I achieved it the second time!
So although I am uncertain I am going to look up and ahead, I'm going to use Edge Ledge as an adventure, to see what I can do and as I fly, you can follow me to see what fun I  have on the way and maybe it will encourage you to do the same.

“Come to the edge, he said. They said: We are afraid.

Come to the edge, he said. They came.

He pushed them and they flew.”

Guillaume Apollinaire French Poet


“Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty.” Jacob Bronowski

Friday, 26 April 2013

Fortunatley, Unfortunatley.....

What did you collect when you were little? I collected novelty shaped rubbers/erasers.
Oh and for a while I collected pencil shavings!

Yes pencil shavings you see my plan was to stick them into a creative piece of art of colour and spirals, but I didn't know what to glue them onto or what glue to use. Unfortunately whilst I was being indecisive over board and glue the pencil shavings pot got knocked onto a carpet, shavings trodden on....

Fortunately I had another idea, if you rub out A LOT with a normal eraser you get lots of bits, what would happen to those bits if gathered together and melted in a saucepan? Could this make a new eraser? Unfortunately I was not allowed to use the cooker so couldn't proceed with this idea, probably a good thing as it could have been messy and smelly not something you can hide from your mum on her best saucepan!

These days I've noticed I am a collector of ideas.
I had planned to do Wordless Wednesday unfortunately missed it this week. Thought provoking Thursday?  Fun filled Friday? Then I get carried away planning but not actually doing.

I'm still a collector, I like to have complete sets of things, I need to have a complete set of resources before I can act so I shelf ideas, putting them on  my mental edge ledge for another day!

Yes this post should have a photo and once again is in danger of unfortunately not being published and sitting on the edge. I'll put it out there without a pic for now.

Friday, 19 April 2013

My Children are My Teachers

At Coffee, Cake and Craft club this week I realised two things. Number 1 this blog is in serious danger of sitting on the shelf and not actually being put out there for others to read. Number 2 I placed myself on the edge of learning crochet whilst watching my son reach for the wool and the book and he taught himself how to finger knit.

At the end of two hours, some people had made puppets, someone had added the next layer onto his painted canvas, RD had knitted himself a belt and yet again I had avoided learning a new skill, I was on the edge of crafting again.
When I was clearing up I saw that JP had made something out of the felt squares I had put on the table. My first thought was 'oh no he's used them instead of people who can craft using them.'
Then of course I saw it - JP was being my teacher - showing me how to move myself from the spacial edge of 'I might' to 'I have'. And of course I kept the edge of his cutout to remind me.
So to prove I've moved from I might to I have I am about to launch this blog, putting it out there for those who feel on the edge, for those who overlook society but don't feel amongst the action, for anyone who can relate to having ideas but storing them on a shelf and for friends and friends yet to be (a nicer phrase than strangers) who might want to follow me from overLook to overTook.
Edgeledge let's go!

Friday, 12 April 2013


My sister used to have kitten ornaments that sat on a shelf with the head, neck and front paws hanging over the edge. These ornaments were made to look as if they would topple off but actually they were very content with sitting exactly where they were.
I am similar to these kitten ornaments - I constantly overlook conversations, situations, ideas but although it would seem I have the opportunity to topple off the edge ledge and launch into the midst of things, I'm quite comfortable overlooking.
Perhaps that's why I co-ordinate a craft group though I can't/choose not to actually take part in  crafting, browse twitter but don't want put my thoughts into a #tag, have facebook set to friends only, never got into myspace and why this blog has been brewing but even as I type I convince myself without pictures it's not worth hitting publish.
And whilst I am busy watching on the edge - others are changing their habits so overLook becomes overTook because they made a decision to move on.

Thursday, 11 April 2013


Welcome to Edge Ledge, the shelf where I intend to place some of my thoughts about life and my integration or viewing from the sideline with various aspects of it.

Edge Definition:
The outside limit of an object, area, or surface; a place or part farthest away from the centre of something: 
"a tree at the water's edge".

Provide with a border or edge: "the pool is edged with paving".

noun. border - brim - verge - brink - margin - lip - fringe
verb. sharpen - whet - grind - hem - border

(google web definitions)
Ledge Definition:
  1. A narrow horizontal surface projecting from a wall, cliff, or other surface.
  2. An underwater ridge.

(google web definitions)

Do you ever feel on the edge of things?

If so you'll feel at home here, well that's just the point - you won't, most likely you'll feel like an outsider looking in, on the edge, not really part of the action.
But that's fine.
I reside on the edge of almost every part of my life. And there is much to explore, learn, grow, do and be on the edge of things, so I am learning to be happy and with an accepted purpose on the edges and here on the edge ledge.
You are welcome to be here too.
