Look outside as far as you can see. See it - the horizon. It's an edge!
Though of course a horizon as such doesn't really exist, when you get there its moved on with a new place to reach. Today I was looking for a horizon and this one caught my eye - not a typical horizon but lots of images within the image to consider.
For ages Edge Ledge was on the horizon, something I aimed to put out there to encourage others with, but now I've done that my horizon has moved, there are new ideas floating round my head!
As I haven't chosen a particular topic to blog about I can use this space for anything, I just need to push ahead to the next horizon - it looks very inviting with lots of fun happening - if only I can muster the creativity and confidence to get past that blue fence barrier. And dump the rubbish negativity in the bin on the way rather than taking it with me!
When I was young I climbed onto a concrete structure but then felt I couldn't get down. I asked my aunt to help me and her reply was something like, "if you put that wooden chest next to the ledge you're on before you climb up again, you'll have something to get down via." Seeing she was giving me the clue I clambered down, moved the wooden chest and climbed back up. My aunt says the funniest thing was I didn't even realise the process of clambering down and climbing up again, but that I was very pleased with myself when I achieved it the second time!
So although I am uncertain I am going to look up and ahead, I'm going to use Edge Ledge as an adventure, to see what I can do and as I fly, you can follow me to see what fun I have on the way and maybe it will encourage you to do the same.
“Come to the edge, he said. They said:
We are afraid.
Come to the edge, he said. They came.
He pushed them and they
Guillaume Apollinaire French Poet
“Knowledge is an unending adventure at
the edge of uncertainty.” Jacob Bronowski